Your Success is Because of You.

Emily Byrd
5 min readDec 20, 2021

Disclosure: Personal share

As I am navigating this beautiful new space I have been growing into the past two years as a Coach, consolidating, shape-shifting and transitioning from of all of the other amazing roles I have embodied over the years (yoga teacher, studio owner, hair stylist, salon owner) I am allowing all of the feels, immense gratitude, acknowledgement and powerful moments of reflection and introspection. I am also allowing myself to be fully uncomfortable as I am deep in this chapter of transition. It’s been quite a ride. A recent encounter sparked a cellular level of owning my success and I wanted to share it with you.

I was in my hair salon with a dear client some weeks ago, it was the end of her appointment and as she was walking out of the salon she stopped and said, “You know, you’ve done an incredible job here. And I know it’s because of what you built here that you’ve been able to do all of the other things in your life. Your salon has helped you get there. That’s pretty cool.” I smiled. I knew what she meant and I was a bit curious. “It’s because of the salon?” I asked, gently. “Yes, right? If you didn’t have this, you wouldn’t be able to have anything else. Like having your own salon has given you freedom to access all of the other goodies in your life that you’re growing into now,” she replied. So sweet. Still smiling I said, “Do you think the salon gave me that or do you think I gave me that?” She paused. I could tell she was questioning her statement. “Well, I guess what I meant to say is you… gave yourself.. the freedom.” I nodded affirmingly, “That’s right!” I said, “This could’ve been anything and it would’ve been successful because I decided it would be. My success is because of me. Those words landed in the space somewhat like a mic drop. She nodded, smiled, blew me a kiss and waved goodbye. “Beautiful soul. Thank you for the reflection.” I thought.

As I was sweeping up her hair on the floor the words then landed for me, in a deeper, resonate way than I have yet felt in this chapter. So much so I plopped down into the iconic styling chair, spun around and looked at my own reflection in the mirror.

“My success is because of me. No matter what I do, no matter which endeavor I choose, which business I am building, or the growth path I am walking, my success is because of me.” I said to myself as I felt a newfound feeling of strength, confidence, affirmation.

Growth, transformation, deep self realization happens in stages. I had a similar experience months prior while sweeping up hair (ahhh, the magic of a broom!) when I heard the internal words: “You built this business and it’s been so great. You’re building your coaching business now and it will be amazing too. You’ve built a business once, twice and now three times. You’ve got this.” So when I felt what I felt this past time, broom in hand, hair clippings on the floor, it was one of those moments of a deep return and embodied knowing.

My success is because of me.

Has every decision I’ve made been the right one? Heck no. Have I received powerful lessons along this entrepreneurial road? Oh my gosh, yes. So brave. Are there things that I have done that I’ll never do again? You got it. Have I done things that are really amazing and I continue to refine as I go? Bet.

Being an entrepreneur is one of the deepest commitments of personal growth I think you can sign up for. And I love it. As a fixed, water sign (Scorpio sun and rising), a Manifesting Generator (human design) and a strong 8/7 on the Enneagram (hello, adventurous, radiant leadership) I love growth and transformation. It’s what I am here for. It’s in my blood and bones to seek the answers, to create, connect to, heal and guide myself and others in a profoundly transformative way. It’s a gift, nowhere near a curse.

No one sets out to create a business they hate (I literally lol’d as I typed that) but sometimes it happens. But life is a mirror, what is happening on the outside is a mirror to what’s on the inside; so, if you’re not pleased with something externally, how is it pointing to a place inside of you? Perhaps this is an opportunity for growth…mmm? I say Yes. And everytime I say yes, I’m always glad for it.

Your success is because of You.

It’s because of your commitment, tenacity, choice, showing up and doing the work, allowing, receiving, not giving up, pivoting when it doesn’t work, when you aren’t liking your results or not getting what you want. Your success is deeply related to your ability to embrace the lessons and blessings that come your way. Both: lessons and blessings. Your success is because you choose to decondition the old beliefs of scarcity and limits and transmute that energy into expansion, freedom and abundance. Your success is because you “push the envelope” and open your arms, hands and heart to receive gifts of the journey. Your success is because of you because it’s yours. 100% your expression of your life.

My hair salon could’ve been a tattoo parlor, a marketing agency, a yoga studio (wait, I built one of those too), an etsy shop, a flower boutique, eclectic apothecary or anything else my heart desires and it would’ve been a part of my journey, part of my success because I said Yes. I said yes to me and my dream. My success is because I believe in myself.

When you say yes to you and your dreams and you start actually doing, taking that beautiful messy action, that’s the energy of success. The universe meets you with that same kind of powerful spirit and carries you. Trust me, I have been carried many a moments. It’s not because of what you build or create that you are a success: no, those are tangible by-products of your saying yes, believing in your ability to achieve success. Your success is because of you, it comes from the inside out not because of anything external. Your success comes from you dear one. It’s inside of you, it’s from you. And it’s incredible.

Much love to you and your journey. Much appreciation to your gifts, wisdom and talent. May we continue to embrace the ride and experience of self made success.




Emily Byrd

Emily Byrd is a Transformational Coach for soul-centered entrepreneurs, executives and leadership teams paving the way ahead via conscious business.